Saturday, October 27, 2007

Richie's choice DS games

Hello again,

Para DSer yg tidak setia.

Here are some more games I recommend you guys to download and play.

1. Elite Beat Agent (E)

Really fun beat game. I thought it was some stupid agents game, but its reli fun. Almost like the taiko but its all about the right beat of songs. Really cool. 8.5/10

2. Bleach - Shouken bla bla bla (J)

It's in japanese but hell this is what ive been looking for a while. Versus battle game in DS. Love it! 9.5/10

So, what ru waiting for? Go search it up urself and dl it. Dun waste that DS sitting on ur table.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Find the 32 mistakes in this picture...

I spotted some:
1. The view outside the windows are different.
2. Guitar is plugged into a telephone
3. The curtain blows even if the window is closed
4. The chair is missing a leg

New DS game yg seru.

Eh anak2 yg males. Since no one is taking the initiative to make use of this console, I introduce you

*click me*


Tuh loh game yg kaya di arcade yg gedor2 drum cina. Not exactly new I think, but anyway seru. Versi jepang but trial and error will take u abt 5 mins to know how to operate it. Anyway bisa pilih lagu2 like drumming shit in the arcade.

Enyoy~ Pls download and we can all play together.

Anyway, I will be finishing exam Thursday! MUEHEHE then after that work.

Beside cotton on now I oso work in Urban City Relaxation. My massage worth $12 for every 15 mins. Thats already a bargain price. So, if you want to book let me know. HOHO


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

[REQ] Japanese - English Dictionary for Mobile Phone

WE..., I was wondering if you could find me like the one in your mobile but for Japanese-English version.

Just let me know here once you got it..


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Smilies ^______^

taken from:

Many ASCII representations of smiley faces have been developed over the years. Some feature non-smiling expressions or other elaborations. They come in two main varieties, those meant to be viewed sideways, and those meant to be seen upright.

classic smilies:

:) (Smiling)
=) (Smiling)
:D (Big smile)
;] (Winking)
:] (Neutral Expression)
:/ (Partial half smile)
:( (Frowning)
:'( (Crying)
:-) (Smiley with nose)
:o (Talking/Surprised)
*<:o) (party smile) :p (Poking his tongue out) now lets make a better expression: o(^_^)o ‘yes!’ (hands at sides) (^.^) | (*_*) amazed m(_ _)m apologising (bowing) (-_-)zzz / (z_z) asleep |-| bored * eg. (^_^*) blushing =(^.^)= cat *\(^o^)/* cheerleader (o_o) | (O_O) | (o_0) | (O_o) | (°_°) concerned/nervous/shocked (;_;) | (T_T) crying (x_x) dead / knocked out \(^o\) (/o^)/ dancing with joy (._.) depressed (@_@) dizzy (^_^;) embarassed (sweating) o(^_-)O encouraging (gentle punch) (*_*) euphoric/fascinated/in love/frightened (-_-) | (u_u) exasperated (^o^)/ exclaming/joyful (¬_¬) focused (at someone or something) (^L^) | (^(^) happy //_o\ hair brushed over one eye {(-_-)} headphones (,_') motion sick (OvO) owl (>_<) | (>_>) | (<_<) | (c_c)

(^_-)d | b(-_^)
promise (linking fingers)

(-.-)y-., o O | (-.-;)y-~~~
relaxed (smoking)

roaring in anger
rock nerd

\m/ (b_d) \m/
rolling eyes

rurouni kenshin

scratching head



(^_^) | (n_n) | (^u^) | (^.^)
smiling (small mouth for female)

tearful goodbye (waving handkerchief)

thinking about money

thumbs up

tickled to death

(=_=) | (`o`)



ToT | TOT | T0T


`\=o-o=/' | (b_d)
wearing glasses

weeping and hugging

(^_~) | (^_-)

These emoticons borrow heavily from the anime drawing style, with a lot of expression shown using the eyes. These emoticons are often abbreviated by leaving off the parentheses, so (^_^) will become ^_^. They can be further abbreviated by leaving out the mouth, so ^_^ becomes ^^. The longer the mouth, the stronger the emoticon’s meaning.

Finally, thanks to everyone that has contributed to the list.

nit, Starbucks cabang mana nih? lg nyari org tuh kyknya.. anyone interested???


Tommy ktnya ntar kalo balik indo mo nyuruh orang bikin replica gitar, ini some interestin guitar u should consider tom!!

i like this alot...

keren tom, jd Rambo!!!!

Beeh, gaharrrr tengkorak!!!

Blade Guitar, with Anti-Vampire Technology! =p

Petir? Gledek? piece of metal? watever!!

Hail SATAN???

lucu jg neh caravan..


Sangar jg neh, RE!

Last but no least, its sumthin u really should consider!!!

STARWARS!!!!!! this uber mega cool guitar guarantees you our lifetime membership of STARWARS's ultracool die-hard-fans-club (QV-based) YEAHH!!!!

u should really consider this tom!!! really!!! =p


cw2 lucu!!!!!!! lucu2 bner ni cw, i thought they way they sing,dance and everything r really cutee... but then...

apparently this guy's is the choreographer of that "cute" dance... koq jd mayan ilfil yah gw.. =p tp tetep cw2nya lucu2 and they were all born in the year 89 and 92!!! gile masi kecil2!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test

click the pic above

Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies
uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Which brain is dominant for u????? Write it down at the comments section!!!!

Amy Winehouse

Jez wanna share an artist im really into now.. hahahaha

semua post then I post oso lor..

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Post Tutorial

Guys, ini gw kasi tutorial bagi kalian2 yg not comfortable posting an article in this blog...

like all sites nowdays, u're required to sign in.. how to sign in? click the sign in button in the right hand corner...

enter ur username and password...

when signed in... to create a new post, select +New Post button as located in the pic above..

or... if you are already signed in from the beggining (cookies enabled) ur new post button is in the right hand corner as shown in the pic above...


Q. i cannot sign in to the blog
A. You've got to have a permission before you can post in this blog...

Q. But, how do i get permission to post in this blog?
A. there are 4 ways to get permission:
  • via MSN: find kawe (fu***** and say... "oi kaweee gw mao ngepost di blog indozoo donk... kasi gw permission!!!!"
  • via SMS: Create a new message on ur phone and type: "oi kaweee gw mao ngepost di blog indozoo donk... kasi gw permission!!!!"
  • via Telephone: dial kawe's phone number ((+61)405 41 8* **) and say: "oi kaweee gw mao ngepost di blog indozoo donk... kasi gw permission!!!!"
  • via verbal communication (talk straight face to face with kawe) : find kawe(Kristian Bunjamin) normally you can find him around monash uni (caulfield campus) at day time and/or at your nearest supermarket near the tuna or big M section. If you somehow really do managed to find him, then u can just talk to him and say: "oi kaweee gw mao ngepost di blog indozoo donk... kasi gw permission!!!!"... however.... else if: you can repeat and try 3 other options above..
Q. I did ask for permission, and he gave me permission already as i've already got an invitation email from blogger, but i still cant post an article here...
A. make sure you follow the link given in the email u get, however if you are using email other than gmail, or yahoo ( , , , etc) you are required to register a googleID first before you are able to post. Just click sign me up (or sumthin) and fill in the forms with watever u think appropriate for u.. and walla!!!!! you should be able to post in the blog...

Q. I followed all the steps above, and still cant post anything...
A. @&#*(!*(&#*(&#!@#*(!&@#!*(&@# are you sure u have register your googleID?

an example of a not done (not registered) user.. invitation has been sent, however he/she failed to register his/her googleID.. therefore, he/she NEED TO REGISTER FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!! gimana mo bisa ngepostt coba????????



Happy Bday Welly yg ke 20! Udah tua mas! foto coming up..

btw WE!!!

video2 indozoo selaen yg "Ninja" di delete dong dari youtube.. Sumpah jelek abis.. menjatuhkan imej aja.. mending shooting something better.. get rid of it.. its sick and jijay...


Saturday, October 6, 2007

SAW IV trailer !!!

2 versions

yay more saw !
ada yg mo ntn ga ntar ?


buat cizz : jangan ketawa ketiwi lu
buat wewe : jangan mo kalah
buat tommy : sama bulune tok ya tom

ice scraper

untung melbie ga bersalju ya we...
kalo ga gmana lu we..?

107 Flips on Top Spin

ayooo yg anggota kmrn ke showground mo naek ini ga 107 putaran...
gw masih mikir mendingan no limit de...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bubbles in photos?

Hey Dr. Wikifreak,

May I know why some of the photos I took with a digital camera on a black background seems to have bubbles?

here are some.

Wikipedia Challenge of the Week


Jakarta Jakarta Jakarta...

What came across your mind when u hear that word? Tempat orang2 'BEJAT'??? MACET??? BANJIR?? hehehehe watever came across your mind Jakarta is still my hometown, place where i grew up, and a place which have sculpted so much memories. There is an issue related to this city that i want to discuss with u guys.. As many of u may have heard, or probably think as it is u'r self,

"Orang-orang Jakarta itu rusak2!!! bejat2!!!" betull gak sih sebenernya???

Okay, let's have some fun.. I'd like to ask as many indozoonians as possible (or maybe outsiders as well?) to participate in this 'discussion'. I want u guys to give ur opinion about that statement above. I personally would also like to join this 'discussion' (or debate??) so to be fair, im not gonna say anythin here, but instead i'll post it in the comments, so be sure to check it out guys..



This is how many of Jakarta people drive there.. kekekekekek
(embed disabled, so pls visit the link ur self..)

yg belom pernah ke Jakarta, silahkan muter2 Jakarta!!! these videos below will take u there.. ^^
