Thursday, January 10, 2008

Photos from Road Trip

Click here for photos from my camera:

Richie's Cam

Cha-cha had also uploaded photos from her camera. Please log on to facebook or ask her to paste the link here.


Just when you think it can't get any better....


Photos from KAWE's camera.. which contains MOST of the pics.


Anonymous said...

citek, poto yang kawe-jen-nike-nit-lia yang lu ambil dari samping pas di botanical garden cakep banget...gimana sih cara ngambilnya? gua juga pengen dipotoin begitu...huks...but unfortunately i wasnt in that pic..huahuahuaa

Richie The said...

hehehhe... gw jg gak tau.. gw lg make auto mode.. terus kayanya jadi ke blur belakangnya.. hueheuhe

Kristian Bunjamin said...

dude... the internet here is fuked up!!! i cant even open facebook.. gmn mo uploadnya coba... ahahahahaha ntar di oz aja yahh!!!

Anonymous said...

omg itu yg potonya ricci ama nike berdua d depan patung2 itu gw juga ada potonya...wwakakakakak..

-domcux is here

Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaahhhh..kawe ah...buruan dong upload! kalo nunggu balik oz mah, uda basi duluan lah itu poto2...huks...anda harus bertanggung jawab we!.
mana most of the pics nya terkandung di dalam kamera lu lagi..haiyoyoyo...ayo we, berjuang! huahauha

Richie The said...

IYA!! itu poto pada di tempat kawe!!!

kalo gak suruh LIA deh!!!!

Anonymous said...

kaweeeeeeeeeeeeee...........cepetan potonyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Kristian Bunjamin said...

buat yg ga sabaran pgn liat poto2... TOTAL pic: 209 pics thats 527 MB gw kmrn udah nyoba gw pilih2 poto2 yg kira2 lo org demen... gw sort jd 104MB tapi tetep.. uploading 104MB di indo tuh takes a hell lot of time and kemungkinan it wont be disrupted sampe selese upload tuh gak gede!!! gw da nyoba 2x gw tinggal pegi ni comp gw sambil upload.. tp doesnt work.. failed terus.. coba la kalian ke tmp lia ato minta tolong dy suruh upload-in.. ato kalian sabar nunggu gw nyoba upload ini 104MB sampe berhasil.. in the mean time dont ask me no more! im still trying!!! yos~