Saturday, October 27, 2007

Richie's choice DS games

Hello again,

Para DSer yg tidak setia.

Here are some more games I recommend you guys to download and play.

1. Elite Beat Agent (E)

Really fun beat game. I thought it was some stupid agents game, but its reli fun. Almost like the taiko but its all about the right beat of songs. Really cool. 8.5/10

2. Bleach - Shouken bla bla bla (J)

It's in japanese but hell this is what ive been looking for a while. Versus battle game in DS. Love it! 9.5/10

So, what ru waiting for? Go search it up urself and dl it. Dun waste that DS sitting on ur table.


tommy said...

too bad.. the one who actually cares reading this post is a non DSers hahaha....
Mending gimme your DS all you DSers tak setia

Anonymous said...

u better buy the game
then we can donlod it from ur device


AisatsanA said...

jaman jaman ujian gene, i suda tak kepikir DSan lah yo...
indozoo abis exam kita day tour yuk??
pengen cherry picking nih g..
kalo ga ke ballarat..wakkakakaa
bosen ni g jalan2 city molo..wakkakaa